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Manchester Art Fair 2024

Exhibitor Manual - General Information

Art Wrap

The British ShopA free art wrap service manned by The British Shop, (using paper blankets and Manchester Art Fair tape) will be available for the wrapping of sold items. This service will only be provided on presentation of a proof of purchase card, which will be distributed to booths before the fair opens on Friday 15th November.

The British Shop have been fine tuning art fair services for 20 years, we have long standing relationships with many event organisers, galleries, dealers and private clients.

  • Our experienced team can handle all the art fair and exhibition services you need.  
  • Installation services ahead of the fair.
  • Deinstall and repack for your return at end of the fair.
  • Post fair deliveries for customers: local, UK and worldwide. 
  • Please contact our team on 01895 444877 or

PLEASE NOTE: Packing materials will NOT be available for the wrapping of unsold items at the end of Manchester Art Fair on Sunday 17 November. Exhibitors are requested to make their own arrangements for the safe removal of exhibits during the breakdown period.

Audio Visual

A full range of audiovisual equipment may be hired for the duration of the show. Please email Tracy Lee for more information

Please remember that sound must be kept to a reasonable level and that if you intend to play live or pre-recorded music you will need to obtain the relevant entertainment licence. (see Music/Entertainment)

Booth Specification

Booths consist of white walls (a wooden framed construction with plywood front and back face) and a name board. Please see the Specification Sheet HERE. Exhibitors can order extras to help customise booths such as storage areas, shelves, etc and further information is available in the Official Suppliers section. 

PLEASE NOTE: Exhibitors are prohibited from painting the booth walls or applying wallpaper.  Aubury's do provide a painting service, details of which can be found HERE.

Breakdown Procedures

Please note that breakdown will commence at the discretion of the Organisers and the venue's duty manager. In any case, this will not happen before 1630hrs on Sunday 17 November (i.e. 30 minutes after the show closes) and under no circumstances until all visitors have left the hall.

Please note that any exhibitors leaving the building via the fire exits or loading doors will not be permitted re-entry until after breakdown has commenced.  Entry to the fair via the main entrance will be prohibited between show closure and breakdown announcement.

Strict traffic marshalling and access procedures will be in force and full instructions will be distributed in the on-site packs.

Any exhibits, stand equipment, fixtures and fittings left in the hall after 1830hrs on Sunday 17 November will be discarded and any removal costs passed to the relevant exhibitor.


Under no circumstances will individuals under the age of 16 be allowed into the exhibition hall during the build-up and breakdown periods.


The booth floorspace, aisles and common areas will be cleaned overnight preceding each show open day.  Exhibitors with lockable areas on their booths should deposit a key clearly marked with their stand name and number at the Organisers' Office if this area is to be cleaned.

Any specific or specialist cleaning must be undertaken by the exhibitor.

Code of Practice

Please ensure that your stand is always staffed and that all exhibits remain displayed whilst the exhibition is open. In order that no discourtesy is shown to last minute visitors, dismantling of any displays or exhibits will be prohibited before 1630hrs on Sunday 17 November.

Contractor Passes

Any personnel involved in build up only (eg delivery drivers, stand contractors etc) will be supplied with temporary wrist bands by the Manchester Central security team on arrival at the venue.  These wrist bands do not have to be pre-ordered but all contractors and exhibitors must have completed the Acknowledgement of Site Induction form  before wrist bands can be issued.  

Customs and Excise

If you are importing any exhibits or displays for your stand from overseas you will need to ensure that you have a NOMINATED IMPORTER. Our appointed logistics contractor can assist you with all customs formalities and provide you with further information regarding the importing of goods [including duty and VAT payments that will need to be made]. It is recommended that arrangements are put in place as soon as possible.

CLS Expo
Paul Attwood
M: +44 (0) 07908 559228


No third party deliveries will be accepted until after 1900hrs on Thursday 14 November.  However, this year we have appointed a Courier Service, CLS, who can collect your items and arrange for delivery straight to stand at the appropriate time. Please see Price and Order Form for this service HERE.

PLEASE NOTE:  If you plan to drop artwork to your booth between 1900 - 2100hrs on Thursday 14 November, you must complete the Art Drop Off Request form.

If you need to have something delivered to your stand on Friday 15 November using a courier [other than CLS] or third party, please ensure the following:

  • That a representative of your company is on-site to receive and sign for the delivery. The Organisers are unable to accept responsibility for any goods delivered to unstaffed stands and regret that we have no storage facilities available for unchecked goods.
  • That the delivery company/courier has the necessary lifting equipment to unload your consignment. The Organisers will not be responsible for off-loading nor transporting items to the stand and do not have any trolleys nor a forklift available.
  • That your packages/consignments are addressed as follows:

Contact Name
Exhibitor’s Company Name, Stand Number
Manchester Art Fair
Manchester Central Convention Complex
Windmill Street
M2 3GX

Exhibitor’s Company Name, Stand Number
Manchester Art Fair
Manchester Central Convention Complex
Albion Street
M1 5LN

  • That deliveries are only made during the hall open hours (but not show open hours) - please see event timetable.


Dilapidation Charges

Exhibitors are responsible for any damage caused to the fabric of the exhibition halls by themselves, their agents or contractors. In your own interest you should satisfy yourself as to the condition of your site before commencing the dressing of your stand and again after its clearance. The Organisers will pass to the exhibitor any charges for damage to the exhibition halls, caused by exhibitors, their staff or their contractors.

Disabled Visitors

Exhibitors should be aware that they have obligations under the Disability & Equality Act 2010 because within the context of this Act, exhibitors are considered to be 'Service Providers'. Exhibitors must ensure that when designing or planning their stand they follow the 3 principal duties:

1. To provide a disabled person with the same service that it provides to others.

2. The service must be provided on the same terms.

3. The service must be provided to the same standard. Changes and adjustments that are made must be ‘reasonable’ and reasons for making, or not making, changes and adjustments must be ‘reasonable’.  

Tips for exhibitors and contractors:

  • Access to exhibits must be available to all visitors
  • Double deck stands must replicate facilities or exhibits on both levels of the stand (this could be in the form of detailed literature and visuals or video footage.)
  • Platform floors must have ramps.
  • Doors must be wide enough for wheelchair access (750mm) and have vision panels.
  • Wheelchair users can only reach 1.4m. Therefore low level counters (760mm) or lap trays should be used.   Alternatively, staff can assist but this should be clearly signposted.
  • Information and literature should be printed clearly and available in alternative formats such as enlarged, tactile or audio.
  • Presentations should have transcripts or subtitles, be well lit and have access for wheelchairs.
  • Signage must be positioned where it is visible to all visitors and a minimum of 16 point text.
  • Staff should be briefed on their responsibilities and trained to assist disabled visitors.
  • If it is ‘unreasonable’ to provide access for disabled visitors, alternative access could be in the form of detailed literature and visuals or video footage.
This summary is not exhaustive and must be used as a guide only. Further information about the Equality Act 2010 can be found at

Distribution of Promotional Material

All business including the dispensing of literature and promotional material must be conducted from your stand. Exhibitors or their representatives are forbidden to hand out leaflets, product samples etc, at the entrance to the event, in the aisles or in any part of the exhibition halls. 

Electrics & Lighting

All electrical installations must be carried out by the official electrical contractor and comply with current EVA regulations. To this end, exhibitors are prohibited from providing and affixing their own lighting. 

NOTE: Each stand at Manchester Art Fair is supplied with LED spotlights to the internal walls, as follows:

2 x 2m (6m wall space) = 3 spotlights
3 x 2m (7m wall space) = 3 spotlights
4 x 2m (8m wall space) = 4 spotlights
5 x 2m (9m wall space) = 4 spotlights
6 x 2m (10m wall space) = 4 spotlights
7 x 2m (11m wall space) = 6 spotlights
8 x 2m (12m wall space) = 6 spotlights
4 x 4m (12m wall space) = 6 spotlights

Spotlights are affixed via a track approximately 0.5 - 1.0m from the front of the booth depending on its depth.  

N.B. If you wish to position your spotlights in an alternative location , you will need to order additional battening IN ADVANCE.  Similarly, you may also order additional spotlights to add to the existing track and for external walls.  Please visit the ONLINE SHOP.

Emergency Procedures

In the event of an emergency, the fire/evacuation alarm will be raised in the form of a message relayed by the security team. The message will be repeated as follows:

'Attention please! Attention please! Will everybody please leave the building by the nearest exit. This is an emergency. The staff will assist and direct you. Please do not use the lifts.'

Full emergency procedures will be distributed to each stand via a stand drop on the opening morning of the show. Please ensure that all your stand personnel are aware of these procedures.

Exhibitor Passes

All stand personnel must be registered with the organisers and will be required to wear a Manchester Art Fair 2024 security pass in order to obtain access to the exhibition complex during  the show open period and breakdown.**

Please complete the Exhibitor Passes form to register all personnel who will be working on your stand at Manchester Art Fair.  Passes will be available for collection from Friday 15th November from the organisers office.

**Passes for Build Up/Breakdown :  Any personnel involved in build up (including exhibitors,  delivery drivers, stand contractors,  etc) will be supplied with temporary wrist bands by Manchester Central security on arrival at the venue. 

Provision of build up/breakdown wrist bands is ONLY PERMITTED once the 'Acknowledgement of Site Induction form' has been completed in the ezone.  It is highly recommended that this is completed online, in advance.

Vehicle Passes:  Vehicle documentation will be issued by the traffic officers on arrival at Manchester Central. Please note: There is no requirement for documentation to be completed prior to arrival at Manchester Central for contractors or vehicles.


First Aid

There is a first aid centre which will be manned during the build-up, open and breakdown periods which can be contacted on 0161 834 2700 ext 2211 or mobile 07527 254221.

Assistance may also be obtained via any member of the Manchester Art Fair team, Security staff or the Organisers' Office.

In a first aid emergency, where an ambulance is considered necessary, a telephone call should be made directly to the Central Control Room on 0161 834 2700 ext 2206.

Fixing Exhibits

Any screws with thread all the way to the head may be used as well as nails.  Exhibitors will be charged for any large holes left in panels that require repair. Fixing packs containing 20 screws, 20 hooks and a drill bit are available for purchase via the ONLINE SHOP.

PLEASE NOTE:  All work on display must be affixed to the booth walls or contained within a browser.  Additional work must be stored either in the secure store area or within a cupboard on the stand (please see the ONLINE SHOP  for ordering on booth storage space). It is not permitted to store or display work leaning against walls or stacked on the floor.


At Manchester Art Fair the exhibition floor is uncarpeted.

Floor Loading

The maximum floor loading (SWL) is given as follows 

1450 kg/sqm

Framing Services

Love To Frame are the Official Printing & Picture Framing Partner of Manchester Art Fair. 

Love to Frame is a premier destination for art lovers and collectors, specialising in fine art printing and bespoke picture framing.

Our skilled framers use premium materials and techniques to create frames that enhance and protect your artwork.

We excel in fine art printing by delivering exceptional quality, vibrant colours from the latest state of the art Canon Pro 4600 Fine Art Printer, with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring each piece truly reflects the artist's vision. 

At Love To Frame, we are proud to be a Hahnemühle certified studio, ensuring that we use the highest quality materials and printing techniques. This certification guarantees exceptional colour accuracy, longevity, and vibrant detail in every print, allowing us to faithfully reproduce your artwork to the highest standards. Your art deserves the best, and we’re here to deliver it! 

Feel free to arrange a visit to our purpose built workshop and framing studio. We’ll be happy to show you exactly how we do what we do – and why you’ll love what we can do for you.

Phone: Tel: 0161 536 8615 / 07484 610041. 
•    Email: hello@lovetoframe
•    Website:

Furniture Hire

FURNITURE is available to hire from our recommended supplier, Ability Hire. See the range at See the price list and ORDER FORM. Order before 30 September and get a 15% discount! Simply insert the coupon code EARLYBIRD15 at the end of the form and the discount will automatically be applied.


Gangways must remain clear at all times  including build-up and breakdown. Exhibits and stand-fitting, including doors or windows that open, must not project into the gangways.

Goods Leaving the Building

All items (including sold pieces of artwork) leaving the building during the show open period must be accompanied by a completed 'Proof of Purchase'' card. A supply of 'Proof of Purchase'' cards will be given to each exhibitor before the preview night begins on Friday 14th November at 1700hrs. 


(Unfortunately, during build up and breakdown, whilst Exhibitor Passes will be checked on entering the building, the level of activity means that is impossible to monitor goods in and out on an individual basis. To this end, you are strongly advised to work in pairs, always ensuring that one person remains with exhibits on the stand or at the loading doors).

Height Restrictions

Exhibits must not exceed 3.00 metres without the express permission of the organisers. In this instance, please email Tracy Lee


Innside by Melia, ManchesterWe are delighted to announce that Innside by Melia continues to be our official hotel partner.

They are delighted to provide you with a discount on their stand rate hotel rooms for this year’s fair. Innside is located on First Street next to HOME and is just a 5 minute walk to Manchester Central.

Book online using the promo code MCRART24 for our special offer.



All exhibits, articles and other property brought into the exhibition hall by an exhibitor, his agents and/or his contractors shall be at the sole risk of the exhibitor or contractor. The Organisers will not be responsible for any loss, damage or destruction occasioned thereto by any cause whatsoever. The Organisers will not be liable for any loss, delay, damage, costs, expenses or monies in respect of the postponing, abandoning, cancelling, transforming or curtailing of Manchester Art Fair for any reason. Any losses, damages and insurance claims need to be reported, in writing, to the Organisers Office and the police within 24 hours.

For further information please refer to the terms and conditions of your Contract for Stand Space.

a-n The Artists Information Company is offering all Manchester Art Fair exhibitors discounted membership. For only £35, protect yourself with £10m Public and Products Liability Insurance and £5m Professional Indemnity insurance included in a-n Artist and Arts Organiser membership. Join today at and enter MancArt24 as your discount code. Limited time only.

Internet Access / WiFi

Manchester Central is fully wi-fi enabled and this service is now provided free of charge.  It is recommended by the venue that exhibitors requiring an internet connection on their stand for web browsing, demonstrating product etc are advised to purchase a more advanced connection,  which would give a more dedicated bandwidth with increased download speeds. This type of connection is charged per event and can be pre-ordered. For any details on this service please log into the Manchester Central ordering service as follows:

  • Go to: 
  • Login (first time users, please sign up using the right hand button)
  • Select Manchester Art Fair from the drop down list
  • Enter your stand number
  • Order your goods as required following the onscreen instructions

PLEASE NOTE:  Exhibitors wishing to take advantage of the free wi-fi available at Manchester Central are not required to complete an application form.

As an alternative, exhibitors may prefer to purchase a 'mobile broadband dongle' from any mobile telephone retailer.  At point of purchase please check coverage by quoting the venue's postcode: M2 3GX.

Maintenance and Restocking of Booths

All necessary maintenance of stands (eg carpentry, major rehanging) should be carried out each morning before the fair opens as it is not possible to do this whilst visitors are in the exhibition complex. Please email Tracy Lee or contact the organisers office on site if you will require goods access during this time.

Individual items of artwork (eg replacing sold pieces) may be hung during the show open period. However, please note that the use of trolleys is forbidden during the show's open period and to this end all new items must either be moved to the stand before the show opens or hand carried. (see Storage).

PLEASE NOTE:  All work on display must be affixed to the booth walls or contained within a browser.  Additional work must be stored either in the secure store area or within a cupboard on the stand (please see Online Shop for ordering booth storage space). It is not permitted to store or display work leaning against walls or stacked on the floor.


If you intend to play pre-recorded music on your stand you need both Phonographic Performance Ltd (PPL) and Performing Rights Society (PRS) licences even if you have a TV licence; Local Authority entertainment licence or Video Performance Ltd licence.

If you intend to have live music performed on your stand, you need a Performing Rights Society (PRS) licence only.

These organisations are liable to check for valid licences during the show and you are therefore advised to arrange for the necessary paperwork to be raised as soon as possible, by contacting the following:

PRS:  Berners Street, London, W1P 4AA   Tel: 020 7306 4504
VPL:  1 Upper James Street, London, W1F 9DE Tel: 020 7534 1400
PPL:  email:  Tracy Lee

In the event of an exhibitor not being in possession of a correct licence, both the PPL and PRS will charge the Organisers directly. This charge will then be passed to the relevant exhibitor.

Please ensure that music and commentary for demonstrations, videos, presentations etc, are kept at a level which will not interfere with neighbouring stands.

Naked Flames

Please note that candles and other naked flames are only permitted if an integral part of the product on display.  In these cases, a full risk assessment must be completed and submitted to the Organisers.

Name Board Wording

The exhibiting company's name will be affixed to all booths. However, it is necessary to complete the Name Board form in your E-Zone to ensure that the wording of your company name is exactly as required. In the event that this form is not received, the name board will be supplied using the name given on your original Contract for Stand Space and any alterations requested on-site will incur a charge

Organisers Office On-Site

The telephone number for the organisers office is:

Tracy Lee: 07966 444316
Lindsey Hanford: 07973 272719

PA System

Whilst the exhibition is open to visitors, the public address system must be used solely for Organisers’, Police and Security announcements. Unfortunately, this precludes its use for exhibitors’ or visitors’ messages.


It is prohibited to store empty packaging on or behind booths. To this end, all packaging must be removed from the exhibition floor prior to the show opening by 1630hrs on Friday 15 November. (see Storage


Manchester Central has onsite car parking which is managed by NCP.  Click here for NCP website, and for discounted parking use the Saver ID: MCEXHIB14.

Commercial vehicles cannot be accommodated on-site during the show’s open period but nearby facilities are available at NCP sites,  use postcode M2 3GX in the search field.  Parking for vans can be found at car parks located at 19 Hulme Street, M1 5GL or Little Peter Street, 15 4PS.

Please note that neither the organisers nor Manchester Central have any jurisdiction over the onsite car parks which are owned and fully managed by National Car Parks (NCP).

Power to Stands

  • Power will not be switched on to stands during build-up until it is considered absolutely safe to do so. 
  • Power to stands is switched off 30 minutes after the show closes each day. 

Breakdown will not commence until the power supply has been disconnected.

Proof of Purchase

No artwork will be able to leave the building without a completed proof of purchase.

A complimentary Proof of Purchase pad will be placed on your stand with detachable forms. Keep your pad after the fair as it will create a handy copy of your sales info!

Complete a proof of purchase for every sale, detach and keep with the sold artwork

If artwork needs wrapping either an exhibitor or buyer can take the piece and the proof of purchase to the MAF art wrap station located in the back lefthand corner of the fair.

Art will NOT be wrapped without a proof of purchase.

The proof of purchase is collected by security as buyers exit the fair. Buyers without this proof or with an incomplete document will be refused exit which can cause embarrassment and delay.

Why do we ask for this information?

  • Customer Name & Email – we use this to offer your customers complimentary tickets to future art fairs.
  • Price of work –used to track the success of the fair by acquiring a total amount of art sales made at the fair, average price etc.
  • All information is strictly confidential, and we only ever share total sales figures

Offsite Deliveries
If you are delivering items to customers after the fair, please complete your offsite delivery form (on your stand) and hand this into the organisers office before you leave on Sunday. If you need to make local deliveries then The British Shop can help so please visit them at Art Wrap

Risk Assessments

Risk assessments are a statutory requirement within the workplace. 

Please complete the risk assessment section of the Operational Information form in your E-Zone.

If your display consists of any of the following: moving features; equipment demonstrations; naked flames, sharp implements; anything that may be considered hazardous to visitors and/or exhibitors you should check the second box and complete a full risk assessment outlining the risks involved and checks that you intend putting in place to minimise the risk. In this instance, risk assessments should be emailed to: Tracy Lee

If your display does not consist of any of the above hazards, you should check the first box.

Please contact the Operations Team if you require any assistance with the completion of this documentation.


The Organisers will take all reasonable security precautions during the build-up, open and breakdown periods. However, all exhibitors are advised that they should take sensible steps to protect their property.

Any precautions you take are in your best interest as neither Buy Art Fair Ltd, Manchester Central nor any appointed contractors are responsible for any loss or damage to any goods at any time during the exhibition. It is essential that you report any loss sustained from your stand to the Organisers' Office immediately. 

To help ensure effective security at the show, please follow these guidelines:

  • Delegate one member of your stand personnel to be responsible for your company’s safety and security at the exhibition.  Do not leave cash, handbags, phones, valuables etc. in drawers, cupboards or on open exhibits on your stand.  Do not leave wallets in unattended clothing.
  • Check all lockable desks and cupboards before leaving your stand.
  • Please note that build-up and breakdown days are high risk periods.  
    You are recommended to work in pairs so that the stand is manned at all times.
  • On show open days make sure your stand is manned prior to the official opening time and do not leave your stand at night before the hall is clear of all visitors.
  • Should you have small valuables which you wish to leave on your stand, you are advised to provide yourself with lockable steel cabinets or other safe storage areas.

Smoking Policy

In line with current legislation, the exhibition complex at Manchester Central is a non-smoking and non-vaping venue. 

Special Offers on Dining

As part of the Manchester Art Fair 'Across The City', we will have a range of offers with restaurants and bars across Manchester for you to enjoy. Check out the latest deals and other events for you to enjoy.


The secure store for ARTWORK ONLY [additional stock] will be located within the Manchester Central site.   Access to and from the Secure Store, which will be managed by our freight handlers/courier, CLS, will only be allowed on presentation of an exhibitor pass and all movements will be logged.

In addition, due to venue Fire Regulations, there will be a designated area for storage of PACKAGING which should be securely stacked, labelled and bound together before depositing. This is left at the owners' risk.  Please note that fire regulations prohibit the storage of packaging behind or on stands and to this end, must be taken off site or stored in the appropriate area. Packaging stored incorrectly is liable to be removed without warning by the Fire and Safety Officers.

PLEASE NOTE:  All work on display must be affixed to the booth walls or contained within a browser.  Additional work must be stored either in the secure store area or within storage space on the booth (please see the ONLINE SHOP for ordering on booth storage space). It is not permitted to store or display work leaning against walls or stacked on the floor.

Technician Service

The British ShopThe British Shop are providing a technician service for those who require assistance with install/deinstall of their stands at Manchester Art Fair. 

Install Costs are £75 per hour (minimum hours required
Deinstall costs are £95 per hour (minimum hours required)

Please email for more information.

Terms & Conditions

This Exhibitor Manual forms part of the Contract for Stand Space’s Terms and Conditions, a copy of which are available on request from the Organisers.

Please note that you may be excluded from occupying your stand if full payment has not been made in accordance with the payment structure as laid down in your Contract for Stand Space.

Traffic Procedures

Full details regarding the offloading of vehicles during build-up and breakdown will be issued under separate cover.  However please note the following:

  • Vehicle documentation will be issued by the traffic marshalls on arrival at Manchester Central
  • Once vehicles are unloaded they MUST be removed to allow further traffic onto the bays.
  • Vehicles should be parked up at one of the surrounding lorry or car parks. (see parking
  • Full breakdown procedures will be issued on-site. 
  • A map showing the venue location is available here

Please note: The Police will remove any vehicles that do not comply with these procedures and restrictions.

Vehicle Passes

All vehicles requiring access during the build-up and breakdown periods must display a valid vehicle pass which will be issued by the traffic marshals on arrival at Manchester Central.

Please note that this document DOES NOT PERMIT ON-SITE PARKING.

(See Traffic Procedures and Parking)


Exhibitors wishing to play music videos must apply for a licence by contacting Video Performance Limited on 020 7534 1400.